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tv   Americas News Headquarters  FOX News  September 1, 2012 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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try the #1 gastroenterologist recommended probiotic. align. align naturally helps maintain digestive balance. ♪ ooh, baby, can i do for you today? ♪ try align today. >> the race for the white house crankings in overdrive this weekend. both candidates are criss crossing the country. governor mitt romney hits ohio before america's come back team reunited in florida. freedom sparks. president obama marches to the convention with a swing through four battle ground states . the storm on the gulf. thousands of people who fled their homes are returning to see what is left as hurricane isaac is going north and gets ready to ruin the labor day plans. i am uma, america's news
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headquarters live from the nation's capitol starts right now. ♪ >> we have a plan, paul ryan and i have a plan to get america working again. [cheers and applause] it is going to create 12 million new jobs in america and 460,000 jobs right here in ohio. that's governor mitt romney just a short time ago. taking his message to the voters battle ground state of the ohio. we have live team coverage from the campaign trails and fox and in ohio president obama stops there later today. first steve brown, in jacksonville, florida where governor romney will meet up with paul ryan for a rally today. >> good afternoon, uma, romney and ryan together in jacksonville campaigning together. but they are campaigning separately earlier today.
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mitt romney in cincinnati area. this is a place where there is a lot of republican votes. around the city of cincinnati. romney talked to a crowd of 2000 saying before he gave his convention speech in canada he looked at the speeches and made note of barack obama conscrention speech when he talk body jobs. >> if you have a coach that is zero and 23 million, you say it is time to get a new coach. [applause] it is time for america to see a winning season again and we'll bring it to them. >> paul ryan was north in columbus and he was in the ohio state university of the miami at ohio football game doing a little tailgating. ryan is a great of university of the miami of ohio. unfortunately for him.
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they are underdogs today. ryan and romney get here to campaign together a lot of reporters will ask why it is when they could twice as much territor yecampaigning separately they will come together. key may be jacksonville area is kind of a republican enclave here. there is a lot of conservative and republican votes and already it looks like it is a turn out election in the big battle ground states and you need every vote that you can from the reliably republican votes and that is part of the mission for romney and ryan today. >> steve, thank you for the update . united our men and women in uniform continue to defend freedom today. i love those people who serve our great nation. >> though much of the presidential campaign focused on the economy.
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foreign policy and military are no less concern. if romney wins what kind of commander and chief would we see and what impact on our military forces. joining us now is the joint chairman. general welcome to be here today. >> good to see you. >> what kind of commander and chief could we expect from a president romney. >> i think an effective one. he has huge executive experience and not only that policies are pretty sound. he was frustrated with how we ended the war in iraq . he want to finish the war in afghanistan and complete and not with draw arbitrarily and get the country stabilized before we finish doing what needs to be done. basod what we have heard. i think he would be effective. >> romney made it clear that iran with a nuclear weapon is unacceptable . so far the obama white house relied on sanctions that have
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not stopped iran from moving forward with the nuclear ambitions. what do you expect romney would do in a situation like going beyonds . >> he set military options on the table and so has the administration. the problem we have here, israelis do not believe that our military option is credible . don't believe we would do it. and more importantly the iranians don't believe it. and that's what is moving the israelis closer to a military action. romney as a cand date said that military option would be on the table and he would use it. none theless, you have to wait until he is elected and in office to understand what that means. he has to get full briefings on the details was all of that . he's not had the details and what that action means and consequences of it are. >> some people are pushing for a presemptive strike against iran. what impact woulda that have
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at this point? >> if you accept the reality that a nuclear weapon in the hands of iranians is a threat to the region and israel, then using a military option as a last resort is a reasonable option. consequences of that are certainly severe. and enables the iranians to retaliate and they would retaliate against israel to be sure and involve thousands of casulties and terrorism would be a weapon that they would increase world wide . they would have the option to attack our bases in afghanistan and in other places in the gulf state. the consequences of the military option are severe. >> high stakes on that one. and romney is make clear that he believes that the administration has thrown israel under the bus . he wants to do everything he can to stand by our ally. how do you think it is playing out in the country and over in the middle east? >> well, the israelings, i
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have contacts myself like other people in this town do. they are frustrate they feel like they are in a life boat without a life line. and they are being forced to execute the military option. they would rather not do. they don't have the same capability we do. there is a certain amount of risk involved whether they could be effective and how much damage could they do. and then deal the consequences of that action. what they want us to do is step up to the plate and put a option on the table and put crippling sanctions on the table. the iranians f. they want a nuclear weapon to preserve the regime they would accept severe sanction and they will put up with economic set back but not economic collapse and we are not near that in terps of the sansions. >> very interesting indeed . the concerns and the debate over our foreign policy will continue in this campaign. thank you for joining us
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today. >> good to see you. >> it is president obama's turn now. iowa, colorado ohio and virginia all before he get to carolina. he will go to the gulf and tour the damage from hurricane isaac . ed henry is traveling with the president and joins us live from urbanville, iowa. ed? >> interesting to see and be with president obama only six electoral votes that is a huge investment of presidential time shows they are going to be fighting for every electoral vote. you heard steve brown talking about the republican ticket. both sides realize it is a 50-50 race . they have to fight for the small battle ground and can't take them for granted. economy and jobs issue at the of the campaign and domestic. and foreign policy and
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national security important as well. and let's start with governor romney. his acceptance speech on thursday night lit into the president. take a listen. >> i will begin my presidency with a job's tour. president obama began his with an apology tour. america, he said had dictated to other nations . no mr. president, america has freed nations from dictators. >> you hear anyone who said that america is decline and our influence has waned, don't believe it. because here is the truth. our alliances have never been stronger. >> and that was the president in fort bliss, texas. responding . never mentioned mitt romney and the convention. that just wrapped nup tampa . making clear that amid the attacks on his credentials he will push back. and in terms was domestic
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political issues. key battle grounds that he is hitting. the president will be in colorado. another one he is hitting . ohio, both sides fighting hard for that one . you saw mitt romney and paul ryan there today in fact . you mentioned new orleans. that is later on monday and the president getting storm damage. mitt romney did that yesterday. and tuesday in virginia and all leading to charlotte when the president will arrive to the democratic national convention. >> big week ahead for the president. thank you, ed, so much. and the latest reports on the damage from hurricane isaac has the death tollstappeding at six. they are standing by live in new orleans. a city where memories was katrina remain fresh, johnathon. >> that's right, uma. they learned a lot of lessons from katrina . army corp of engineers shoring
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up the levees that held up well in the city of new orleans in the storm. you can see the sun is out now and that is causing problems for people without electricity. power remains a big concern. it is getting hot and muggy with all of the moisture that hurricane isaac left in its wake . some residents tell us that they are sleeping in the cars so they can run a air conditioning system overnight. and outside of the federal levees of new orleans. some parishes have suffered flooding where storm waters have overstopped the local levees and crews came in with emergency supplies and ice and water and mre's that they are delivering to storm victims. many of those victims are waiting for flood waters to recede before they return to their homes, listen. >> i have all of my clothes and scrubs that i got to wear before i go to work and ipad and charts and files. a lot of things to get to to
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just operate so i don't have to treat people in this outfit here. >> and gop presidential nominee mitt romney skipped campaign scheduled stop in virginia to visit louisiana. he went to the community of lafeed where governor bobby jindal spruced - introduced him to responders and meeting face foface with storm victims. the white house announced that president obama plan to visit louisiana on monday. uma, back to you. >> thank you very much for the update. >> certainly. >> the nation will get a chance to say goodbye to neal armstrong later this month. a public tribute in washington in september. friend and family gathering for a private service including astronauts buzz aldridge and john glenn. ohio senator said armstrong a private man who really never
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sought the spotlight. >> neal was a reluctant hero. it was never about him. the reward that he got was from his service and takog challenges as an engineer and figuring them out and doing his duty. he appreciated the fact that you know, that people were grateful to him. but he expected nothing in return. >> interesting to note that armstrong's funeral service happened on blue moon. armstrong died last week, he was 82 years old. >> they fight for our country and putting their lives on the line and shouldn't their vote be a top priority. whethe campaign is doing enough to make sure military voters who live in ohio are part of the election. [ wife ] your dad's really giving him the business... the designated hitter's the best thing to happen
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overseas, violence continues in afghanistan as two suicide bombers kill people in eastern afghanistan. one bomber detonating his vest outside of a compound. the second attacker blowing himself up driving a fuel tanker. no americans or coalition were
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killed. back in this country, a federal judge issued an in. junction against a ohio voting law. that allows them to vote in the three days leading up to the election. the judge said that is a violation of protection. ben ferg uson are here with reaction and give us insight on how it is playing out. >> thank you, uma. >> ohio attorney general plan to appeal and saying the state have the right to give hours and time given special times to the military. what is your reaction? >> i am not surprised on the politics of i continuing is sad that the white house thinks what they are doing is fighting and suppressing the military voters. if you talk to those in the military they have abnormal schedules and coming back from deploy the three day window is saying, we know you are fight
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defending the country, we want to make sure you can vote in person. there is something patriotic of doing that if you so choose. but it is obvious that the white house knows that a lot of people in the military are not going to vote for them and so they are trying to find out how many voted last time and found out it was 93,000 and they want to suppress the vote. it is sad. >> the judge made the ruling after the obama campaign argued that all voters needed to have that option. it is critecal swing states. this is an obvious campaign move to influence the outcome. what is your thought. >> under the constitution . united states. we have the equal right to vote period. military people get more acess to vote than other people. ben, you talked two minutes and then you have a chance to speak and respond.
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the law is simple. everyone has the right to vote. what secretary of state john houston did in ohio. he set up a system where by a conservative white town has more acess to voting booths and not the blacky counties. poll workers tell you to vote in the wrong place they can throw the ballots. democrats say you should vote. and third and most important thing. let me finish. you are not going to let me finish. >> i am going to let you finish and then jump in. >> this was confirmed if you didn't want black to vote on the sunday before the election. a lot of africa-american who work in the week go after church and vote. they did it in ohio for years . the question is people who have the right to vote. >> let me jump in here in a response. go ahead mark. >> it is a classic example of the white house and what they
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do. they try to claim voters suppression . the person whose vote is suppressed. it is those who wear the uniform. they don't get to vote as you alluded to. they vote once. military men and women have the most flexibility. >> and it is convenient for them . they don't get to vote twice but once. >> ohio is among the 32 states and the district of columbia that allows them to cast a early ballot without giving a reason. democrats are arguurg that given the military living overseas, special consideration is unfair. why is that unfair, mark? >> it is unfair to say some votes matter more. republicans living in switzerland get to vote where as blacks living in cleveland don't? we all have a equal right to vote. >> why -- what about the other states who decide when and
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where those votes will be cast. what is wrong with that. >> ohio should allow early voting. >> and decide if the military is involved. everyone has equal right. ben said they shouldn't. and republicans said they shouldn't. >> that's not what i said. mark. >> go ahead, ben. >> let me make it very clear. the white house knows that this affects 90,000 plus thousand military and men and women. you are willing to throw race into this and fear mongering people. why? the military man or woman. hold on. why shouldn't a military man or woman be able to vote which is more convenient for them. you don't want them to vote because they are not voting for barack obama in large number. >> democrats and republicans
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are agreeing that they should be able to vote. >> they should have the days. >> we are all equal under the law. why you think. >> it is the military that should be given to vote. >> let me ask you this, mark, the obama administration has done this at a time when it is a key battle ground state. and all of the votes are critical. but ohio has done this in the last several years . they have allowed the military a chance. why stop that now. >> i don't know why republicans are against it. ohio. have allowed early voting since 2005. why is ohio suing to keep 91,000 people. >> why not give the military the option. >> obama supports that? >> no, he does not. you are using race to get rid of it. >> ben and the republicans say people outside of the.
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>> again, i did not say that, mark. >> i invite the listener to read the case. >> i have read the case. >> all right. final word on >> this is real simple, the democratic party that the white house saw 90,000 military men and women to vote in the last three days . they don't want them to vote. they don't want them to vote because they usually vote republican. >> all right. all right. the attorney general in ohio will be appealing the ruling. and we'll keep a watch on what happen in the days that move ahead in the hotly contested election year. thank you for joining us today. >> registering to vote is easier in swing state. residents can use mobile phones and tab lets and update the registration and request a
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mailed ballot. >> and from ann romney to senator marco rubio. and a maraid of gop stars highlighting in tampa. we talked about our favorite moment in the news room. we got to wondering what you thought about all of this and your favorite moment in the republican convention. tweet your answers . i plan to read those responses later in the hour. coming up isaac and not over just yet. flooding concerns remain with word that more rain on the way for areas sitting under water. we'll check in with our chief meteorologist. and republicans are calling their convention a success. will governor romney get a bounce in the polls, we'll ask our political expert next. stay with us.
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can >> welcome back, everybody. this weekend thousands of people forced to evacuate from hurricane isaac's powerful punch is returning home to see how bad the damage has been. our chief meteorologist is joining us with the latest on the forecast. rick, what can you tell us? >> hey, uma. democrats in the south there is no more significant rain
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and thunderstorm in the forecast and nothing to cause problems it is hot and humid in the south and moisture and all of the water on the ground in addition to the hot temperatures is make more humid than you generally see in the south that. is a problem for them . meanwhile, all of the moisture moving in the central part of the country to missouri and illinois and indiana . we have incredible drought going on there and any rain in the long term is good but in the short term will cause big problems. we'll see a lot of flooding and in the long-term it will help to rebuild the reservoirs and the next crops winter wheat and such it will help. it does not help for the drought they have going on now for the crops and corn and such they are gone unfortunately for the year. this is a look tropical activity wise. we are headed to the peak and two more storms none of which are impacting the land .
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almost no chance if any changes, we'll let you know. >> rick, thank you so much okay, this is a holiday weekend for most of the us. governor romney and president obama are hard at work on the campaign trail. peter doocy is standing by with the rest of the top stories, making news this hour. >> looking to build on his convention momentum governor romney was in ohio and now flying to florida for an event in jacksonville. president obama kicked off with a four game really in iowa. of the people in yosemite national park may have been exposed to a mouse born virus. 3000 people who stayed in the signature cabins becauseanta vid
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two people. new jersey teaner ager is dead after a death on a double-decker party bus. he decide when he stuck his had out of the emergency hatch and hit it on a high overpass. >> california state legislature paid the way for self driving car to one day hit the roads. that will allow them on freeways and the measure charges the dmv to come up with rulos the use. can the -- california is the second stat to pass the legislation. >> they already have huge traffic jams out in l.a. >> if you must text while driving, that's the way to go. >> thank you, peter. and federal judge seding with the democrats in a case of early voting in the battle ground state of ohio making news at this hour . the judge ruling all voters
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must have the opportunity to cast ballots not just those in the military. molly, this is not a set back for the republicans? >> it is not over. the president's reelection campaign is pleased. but the state of ohio is planning to appeal the judge's rule that will be appealed on tuesday. the federal judge told ohio that they cannot implement to end the early person voting three days before the election except for the military and ohiians living over seas. they had challenged the law saying it valued voterss and would hurt low income and minority voters. one is concerned that the law limits people's ability to vote. >> if you are a registered vote. you shouldn't have them standing in the way saying we'll cut your hours and make
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it difficult to vote. the court decision put that to rest. >> attorney general of ohio and secretary of state both republicans are defending the law. many states have laws that grant special provisions for the military personnel. deswine said the states should have the right to set hours and time of election. there isle opportunity for everyone to vote. voters in ohio will be able to vote absentee 35 days in advance of the election. and first time ohio secretary of state is mailing out absentee ballots. >> and the lawyers argued for the president that the last three days should be left open for early inperson voting and 93,000 in ohio voted in the final three day window.
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>> certainly an interesting debate lies ahead. thank you for the update. >> if you ask ann and i, who -- what we would give to break up just one more fight between the boys or wake nupt morn discover a pile of kids asleep in our room, well, every mom and dad knows the answer to that. governor mitt romney showing emotion as a dad in a speech in the republican convention . he's getting positive remarks for his speech. but how much of a bounce am he get in the polls, welcome, great to have you here. >> thank you. >> and let's talk about the so-called conscrention - convention bounce. you expect him to bounce. >> i expect by tuesday, we'll have a good idea what it is. we need a combination of polls to figure out what it was. mechanic cane got 6 point and
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president obama got a four point bounce on the other hand, john kerry, back in 2004 got zero bounce. and president bush only two points. and this election is a lot more 2004, than like cent 00-- 2008. but i think governor romney will get a bounce. republicans survived everything from hurricane isaac to hurricane clint. >> and indeed. the fact that both conventions are happening so close together how does that affect the bounce. >> bounces tend to fade quickly. we go immediately from the republican to the democratic convention. some of us wish it would several weeks between and people can assimulate what they learn in one convention. but that's not the way the parties do it anymore. >> many are saying when
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governor romney spoke to the crowd he was talking to the independent and disaaffected democrats convincing them he will take them to prosperit yemore jobs. do you think he made that connention successfully to the audience? >> they had several important things to do in this convention, most of the all they needed to put the emphasis on the jobs and obama record with respect to jobs and second, they needed to go on the offense with respect to paul ryan's medicare and budget plans and third, they needed to warm up mitt romney and humanize him. by my check list. they did some or all of each one of those thingings. personally, i think they did a better job revving up the base and getting a base election out of this than connecting with independents. but then frankly not that many independents and swing voters really watch the conventions
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anymore nor do they have that importants. news channels are covering it. but the major works cut it back to the bone. >> that is a good point it is not the kind of audiences that one would have seen 10-15 years ago. we mentioned the fact that the governor affecting with personal emotions in the speech and about his family roots and children and love of country, do you think that voters coming away from this week's convention have a better understanding of who romney is basod what he said and the images shown in the convention this week? >> they have a better sense of him. i think anybody who watched the substantial portion does have a better sense of who mitt romney is. is of the testimonials. we all remember the elderly couple of massachusetts whose dying 14 year old son received mitt romney's assistance in even writing his will. those things will make it in
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television ads in the fall assuming we have positive tv ads to break up all of the negative onings f. they use them well, they can continue to define and expand on people's understanding of mitt romney. >> it will be interesting to see how it all plays out. you are looking forward to the week ahead as the demdeps get ready for their show. >> thank you so much. >> never had doubts. >> case closed. federal investigators clearing the arizona sheriff of criminal wrong doing regarding financial impropriorits. his office was accused of abusing credit cards and the u.s. attorney's office deciding not to file charges against the america's toughest sheriff or past or current employeings. >> my people are not crookings. they are trying to do their job, they have done their job,
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and also the same criteria exists for the federal government as evidenced by >> and this criminal investigation is separate from the federal civil lawsuits brought on by latino plaintiffs. they accuse arpaio's office was racial pofiling. >> tampa, even with a hurricane to deal with pulled off a convention. now it is the democrats turn. we'll look at that after the break. stay with us. seems they haven't been moving much lately. but things are starting to turn around because of business people like you. and regions is here to help. with the experience and service to keep things rolling.
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from business loans to cash management, we want to be your partner moving forward. so switch to regions. and let's get going. together.
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>> okay, welcome back everybody. republicans have wrapped up the big party in tampa and it is the democrats turn and as they make their way charlotte, north carolina. we'll a preview of all preparations under way for the democrats big hooplacelebration. wendal. >> it is a tradition for the fdr for the incumbents party to hold their convention second. that may be part of the advantage that incumbents have more than often lead to the election. polls are so tight in this race president obama will need any advantage he can get.
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technically north carolina remains a background state and they thought it may help president obama to carry. it is higher than the national average and the president's endorsement of gay marriage came days after the north carolina voters announced a ban on it. mitt romney holds a slight lead 46 and 48 percent. that is in the margin of error. president obama bill clinton will nominate mr. obama and deliver a speech that may be as important as the president's acceptance speech the following night. he is urging voters to stick with the president despite the disappointment in the economy. he his budget surplus was gone after the republicans regained
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office. several democrats will not attend. including a missouri senator . other representatives from red states including texas, west virginia and kentucky. obama campaign said democrats will do well when the president does well but admits there are places where mr. obama will not help them much. >> thank you uwendal. thanks for the preview. and have a great day. she was known as the people 'princess and humanitarian and style icon. doesn't it seem hard to believe, but it has been 15 years since the anniversary of the death of the priness dianna. who was killed with dodi fayed. people are leaving flowers of remembrance. 15 years ago this week .
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>> in the richest country of the world this obama economy crushed the middle class and family income has fallen $4000 . health insurance premium higher. food prices are higher.
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utility bills are high yer gasoline prices have doubled. >> well, it is labor day weekend and for many of us it is time for barbecue with friends and the beach and you heard from the governor surging gas prices are causing big concerns and cause . may put a damper on people's holiday plans. joining us to talk about this is steve moore. great to see you again. talk about the timing of this is not a great time when people are looking forward to the holiday weekend and taking trips to see friend and family. what do you make of this and how long is it going to last? >> it is the highest gas pricos a labor day weekend ever. so we are paying 3.80 and 3.90 and a lot of places are paying four dollars a gallon. that's the bad news. part of this is the result of
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a big storm that knocked out the refineries in new orleans and the gulf. they will be operational. in fact most are . that should provide some relief. it is interesting to look at what happened with ben bernanke. i don't see inflation out there. i was thinking he must not go to the grocery store or gas pumps. americans are feeling the affect of higher tuition and gas prices and certainly higher prices. >> you mentioned milk and vegetables and fuel costs. >> and one of the problems. when you have rising energy prices it is obvious but it is an input of everything we produce in the united states. food prices rise and health care prices rise and transportation costs rise and that's what we are seeing right now. the idea that we are not having inflation in the economy. they have to get out to the store and start buying things.
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middle class families, half of the budget goes for health care and food and energy and those are all rising in costings. >> the energy costs right now and particularly gasoline. you expect to see a downward turn in the next couple of months. how critical is that going to be? >> it is interesting if you look back in 1980. one of the things jimmie carter lost that election. they saw the gas price food and that contributed to reagan's victory. it couldn't happen at a worst time. i think the prices are going to fall but back to where they were in july. 3.50 or 3.75 but that is expensive to people and twice as expensive as gasoline costs back in barack obama was elected in 2008. and news of the national debt surging this week as the democrats are set to holding
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the con. >> i don't think the debt clock was over 16 trillion. that was a signature feature in the tampa convention hall. it was close to 16 trillion. >> it should hit it this week. bad timing for the democrats and that is one. if you listen to the speeches. they really bashed president obama and his record on the debt . they will not have the debt clock at their convention . >> they will keep it as far away as possible. >> appreciate it >> and all right. who will win the race for the white house. >> these pigs believe it or not may have insight. we'll tell you why, next . send us your responses. we'll read yours on the air at the end of our show in a few moments. stay with us. think you can't get great auto insurance coverage
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>> now, now just ending, but you may have noticed lining your shelves at your neighborhood stores, unfortunately, and they've damaged, one 93-year-old award winning pumpkin patch. her 300 pound pumpkin was punctured by umbrellas. and four were slashed and the california resident hoped to w win. and list are looking for the
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vanedles, shame on you guys. and these guys are racing for the white house. one pig obama and the other romney, the two neck and neck, in the end the obama pig pulled ahead by a snout and last time the pig named for john mccain won. and we'll have to wait and see the famous prediction. the rnc convention is now in the history books and we're asking you to are a look back at highlights and asking you about your favorite moments. tina says ann romney's speech encouragi encouraging women and mark co-rubio's comment he's not a bad person, he's a bad president. and a lead are, we so desperately need one. marco rubio brought the house down and is an amazing young man and will make an


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